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Religious Blog Rolls — Blogs w/ no activity for a month deactivated until new activity
- A Day In David (A. Scott Roderick)most recent – Becoming One : Zion is Accomplished One Person at a Time 03/21/25
- A Witness for Christmost recent – Good Fruit Becoming Bitter – What To Do? -01/16/25
- Bare Record – a Seeker for Truthmost recent – REMEMBER YOUR VOCATION 03/04/25
- Becoming Onemost recent – Covenant of Christ: A Modern English Version of the Book of Mormon 07/01/24
- Book of Mormon Perspectivesmost recent – The Salt Lake Temple Part I: A Sandy Foundation 02/24/25
- By Common Consent (LDS [Mormon] Writers)NEW – Temples Celebrating Easter? 03/30/25
- Denver Snuffer Current Blog Pagemost recent – A second women’s website – 03/26/25
- Face Toward ZionNEW – The Heart Of David 03/28/25
- Guest Opinions/Essays/Postsmost recent – Considering Our Canon (Khaden Pettingill) 03/03/25
- HEED AND DILIGENCEmost recent – What if Lehi’s family went East as it is written they did. 07/11/24
- Holy Order – Holy MarriageNEW – The Path of a Godly Woman 03/31/25
- Irreverent DiscipleNEW – Where in the 'Hell' are you? 03/29/25
- ISAIAH INSTITUTE understanding end-time PROPHECY – BLOGNEW – The End-Time Reversal of Circumstances between the Gentiles and House of Israel 03/29/25
- Joyful Wells | Sharing Cups of Watermost recent – This 01/12/25
- Latter-day Commentary – Last Days – Signs of the TimesNEW – The Covenant of Christ: How It Came to Be and Why It Matters 03/29/25
- Latter-day Lamanitemost recent — A Perfect Abortion 02/05/25
- Owl of the Desertmost recent – Approaching Zion: Desert Healers 03/22/25
- Pure Mormonismmost recent — Two Disciples Just Shootin’ The Breeze 02/15/25
- Richard Rohr – Daily MeditationsNEW – Protecting Our Own Light 03/31/25
- Ripenedmost recent — The Air We Breathe—What I Would Say 02/10/25
- Scripture Sermonmost recent – Believing a lie is not belief! 10/15/24
- Seeking for Jesusmost recent – We Ask – Start Here 01/14/25
- Take Care of My Lambsmost recent – Defending His Word 02/25/25
- The Mormon Yeshivamost recent – Names Mean Things- Zarahemla 08/20/24
- The North Star Chroniclemost recent – Climbing the Mountain. 4/16/24
- To The Remnantmost recent — Spring General Conference and Scriptures Vote 12/04/24
- Zionsacomminmost recent — Becoming a Godly People 08/02/24
- Covenant of Christ Audio BookCovenant of Christ (audio apple podcast)
- Denver Snuffer Podcastsmost recent – Ten Years – A Retrospective 12/30/24
- In Sanity: A piece of mind By Stephanie SnufferNEW Episode every Monday Episode 217 - Wrapping up Internal Family Systems 03/25/25
- LDS Podcasts and Media Library
- Mormon Discussions.orgPodcast's by a variety of casters on a variety of subjects
- Mormon Storiesmost recent – Mormon Historian Responds to Denials of Joseph Smith’s Polygamy – John Hamer | Ep. 2003 03/23/25
- Radio Free Mormonmost recent – “I Beat The Book of Mormon Challenge!” : RFM: 389 03/25/25
- Rob Fotheringham Videosmost recent – Bogus Bogus Affidavits 02/01/25
- Shattering Trianglesmost recent — 3. Divine Treasure | Joseph the Believer 03/04/25
- Still Mormon – Jeremy Hoopmost recent – The HIDDEN ORIGIN of Mormon Polygamy! 03/17/24
Study Aides
- A Tour of
- Book of Mormon Genealogy Chart
- Covenant of Christ side by side comparison to LDS Edition of the Book of Mormon
- Denver Snuffer Original Blog Link
- Gospel & Messiah Harmonies
- Interactive Book of Mormon Timeline BC-AD
- Joseph Smith Jr. - Library
- RE 2 LE or LE 2 RE reference conversions
- Sacrament Administration - Denver Snuffer
- Teachings of Denver C. Snuffer Jr.
- The Hebrew Translation of the Book of Mormon
Remnant Events
- Remnant Events CalendarCalendar of upcoming events --
- Popular Mormon podcasters resign from LDS church, a step ahead of excommunication
- Planetary parade: Mercury falls into line for rare seven-planet alignment
- Defending His Word (Maintaining, Protecting and Preserving our sacred Holy Scripture Canon)
- Your Lifeguard Walks on Water
- Teaching our children about polygamy – a mothers letter to her bishop (anonymous)
- Announcement — New “religious office” at the White House (see also Mosiah 11:XXIV pg. 160 or Alma 13:VI pg. 216 CE)
- watchthis1st – ‘PROOF Brigham Young was SEALING WIVES Without Joseph Smith!!’ (Jeremy Hoop)
- watchthis2nd – ‘Bogus Affidavits’ (Rob Fotheringham)
- Report: 380 Million Christians Suffer ‘High Levels of Persecution’
- A prayer that’ll work – Jordan Peterson
- New LDS curriculum flops in teaching eternal polygamy to children
- WATCH: Lightning Strikes Capitol Dome on New Year’s Eve
- What the new LDS hymns say about Mormon theology
- Texas Public School District Bans Bible In Libraries – really, Texas?
- When Peter cut off Malchus’ ear and Jesus restores it. Great thought.
- Brooks & Dunn ft. Jelly Roll – “Believe” | Live at CMA Awards 2024
- Trans woman, once a Mormon stake president, speaks out in new book
- “From evil seeds grow bitter fruit” JBP
- Lankford: The Bible Should ‘Absolutely’ Be Taught in Schools as a Cultural and Historical Document
- Poll: Young Americans Becoming Less Religious
Jordan B. Peterson – YouTube Vignettes
- Jordan Peterson Canceled: Warning On Good vs Evil, God, WW3, Andrew Tate, Porn & Men Feeling Lost! (2:14:20)
- One Of The Deepest Conversations You Will Listen To About God | Dr. John Lennox | EP 394 (1:28:57)
- This Is Easily the Most Important Speech Jordan Peterson Has Ever Done (24:13)
- This Lesson from the Bible will Make You Unstoppable (58:05)
- Why Everyone Must Follow God (10:53)
- Without God We Have Nothing (17:08)
C.S. Lewis
- C.S.LewisC.S. Lewis materials that are base hits, home runs and grand slams!
Important Papers
- "Profile of a Prophet" or "Fourteen Fundamentals"The Prophet Conundrum – A Choice That Must Be Made
- An Amalgamation of the Crucifixion AccountsCombines Mathew, Mark, Luke, Testimony of St. John, Come Lets us Adore Him (or clarifying word)
- Answer and Covenant
- Arcadia - By Denver C. Snuffer, Jr. (2023)
- Denver Snuffer Teachings on Tithing and Temple Timeline
- Denver Snuffer's Witness (from his 10 lectures)Denver Snuffer's Witness (from his 10 lectures)
- Jacob Chapter 5 w/ verse-by-verse Denver commentary -Great reference piece - Jacob 5
- John's Comparative Accounts
- Joseph Smith was not the author of D&C 132 (Video)Joseph Smith was not the author of D&C 132 (Video)
- Joseph Smith's Monogamy - Exploring a Counter-Narrative Regarding Plural Marriage
- Joseph’s Marvelous Experience: Lessons Learned from the First VisionWhitney Horning - Great Read!
- King Follett Sermon - Joseph Smith
- Prayer for Covenant
- Remembering the CovenantRemembering the Covenant
- Teaching our Children about PolygamyA mothers letter to her Bishop
- The Lost Piece of SilverAddress not given but available via paper
- The Russian Christians - How the Lord Moved ThemYou Should Read This!
- The Ten TalksThe Ten Talks
- Use of Priesthood in our DayThe order established thus far in our day
- Vision of GethsemaneEye Witness account of Christ in Gethsemane
- Vote and Prayer for Acceptance of Covenant of Christ
- What is a Prophet?
- Why Were Some Revelations Excluded from the Teachings and Commandments?
Global Newspapers – Religion Section
- Baptist Press
- China Aid (Christians)
- Lions Roar - Buddhist wisdom for our time
- Morning Star News
- Official Newsroom - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SaintsOfficial Newsroom
- Religion News Service
- Religion News Service - CAIRO
- Salt Lake Tribune
- Telegraph - United Kingdom
- The Times of India - Spirituality
Christian Websites
- Bible Hub - Search, Read, Study the Bible in many languages --
- Isaiah Explained
- John Pratt web site
- Restoration Archives
- The Christian Reformation - 500 Years -
- The Ten Talks
- Zions Return - The Heavens Are Open Again
- THE BIG IDEAS: WHAT IS POWER? Why Fiction Trumps Truth
- Everyone everywhere shares seven universal moral rules, Oxford University finds —
- CHRIST LIVES – what a witness sounds like
"Christ lives! He is the One who redeemed all of us. He has a rightful claim as the Father of us all. In the resurrection we come forth out of the grave as His children, because He purchased with His blood our continued life. We symbolize that when we are baptized by going under the water and coming up again to be born again a new creature in Christ, as a preliminary, ceremonial, necessary sign that we accept Him. He is real. I bear witness of Him. I have stood in His presence. I have spoken with Him. He speaks in plain humility. I am a very poor student of His, and I don't say that to be humble, I say that to be truthful. I wish I were better, but in His infinite wisdom He chooses what He chooses, He does as He chooses, He does it how He wants. Worthy is the Lamb. He came deliberately to offer Himself up as a lamb without blemish. He had the right to live not die, and therefore He had the right to take His life up again, and it's through that medium that we in turn obtain the right to live again. I bear testimony. I bear witness of Him, and I want to express my gratitude to Him for all that He has and is doing, and for the patience that He has shown with all of us." -Denver Snuffer January 2019
- Why a Temple?
Opportunities are not to be neglected - They rarely visit us twice --- Voltaire
- Denver Temple Podcast – Part 1 – 6 here
In this series Denver addresses the meaning behind both ancient and modern temple worship, as well as some of the features and purposes of the temple to be built in New Jerusalem.
-- scroll to Temple podcast part 1-6 once at the site
- “Christians” [in America ] are so spiritually lazy and so comfortable with their sinful ways that they aren’t any threat to Satan. – matt walsh
"We have bent our knees in submission to the forces of evil, and they have not even fired a shot.”
"Christian persecution and genocide is worse now than it’s ever been in history …Although the media and the Church in the USA largely ignore it, “the reality is that the ground all over the globe is soaked in Christian blood.”