Divine favor is a Gift, but it is not unconditional.
Past Words of Christ
Past Expounding the Scriptures: Denver Snuffer
Past The Prophet Joseph Smith
Past Glossary Terms
- Agency
- Angel
- Baptism of Fire and the Holy Ghost
- Chosen People
- Condemnation, To Remove
- Contention
- Covenant
- Disciple
- False Prophet
- Grace
- Holy Spirit of Promise
- If You Love Me (most recent)
- Iniquity
- Intelligence
- Jacob’s Wrestle with the Angel
- Knowledge
- Maketh Flesh His Arm
- Meekness
- Ministering Angel
- Mutual Agreement
- Mysteries of God
- Oracle
- Power of Godliness
- Rights Belonging to the Fathers
- Sacrifice
- Stiffneckedness
- Times of the Gentiles
- Voice of God
- Zion